The City of Bunker Hill Village invites residents to volunteer on a City Committee. This Committee system is intended to provide an avenue for direct input from those who live here, and give the City an opportunity to benefit from the considerable expertise represented by residents. 

Public Safety Committee: The Committee identifies and examines the public safety needs of the community and provides recommendations to the City Council. Public Safety includes, but is not limited to, emergency preparedness, fire/EMS & police services, pedestrian safety, and educational opportunities for residents (DARE and RAD programs). The Committee meets as needed. 

Technology Committee: The Technology Committee studies and makes recommendations to the City Council relating to information and communications technology. Discussions have included the transition to 5G for better service to residents as well as the use of technology for public safety needs such as automated license plate readers and cameras. The Committee meets as needed. 

Drainage Committee: The Drainage Committee addresses the City's drainage needs by focusing on and reviewing citizen concerns, development regulations, and capital projects. The Committee is charged with making recommendations to the City Council for setting priorities and evaluating the cost versus budget for projects each year.  

Beautification Committee: The Committee is dedicated to enhancing the appearance of the City, focusing on landscaping and signage, and ensuring maintenance funds are available to sustain these improvements. The Committee recommends beautification projects to the City Council and oversees their completion. The Beautification Committee recommended and initiated the City's dedication program, which involves planting trees and installing benches to honor individuals. The Committee meets as needed. 

Residents interested in volunteering to serve on a committee should apply through the online application portal below. For questions, contact or call 713-467-9762.

Volunteer Application

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